New Years Inspiration For Marketers


Marketing Inspiration For 2019

We thought that our first article of the year should be something a little inspiring to help kickstart your success for 2019, so here are a few pieces of extremely valuable advice from 5 of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs…

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”.

Bill Gates (Microsoft)

At the time, unhappy customers can make you feel very disappointed, and rightly so. But take that disappointment and turn it into improvement. Unhappy clients can be assets. Pay attention to what any disgruntled customers might have to say. This is a wonderful chance for you to learn and to grow in the right direction.

“Quality is much better than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.”

Steve Jobs (Apple)

Steve Jobs is really an entrepreneurial legend. And he had some very sound advice for entrepreneurs. He is known for his exemplary attention to detail, and putting quality over quantity. If you always put quality first, you can’t really go wrong! And in the context of marketing/social media, it is definitely better to go viral once, than have two average posts!

“Move fast and make mistakes… Moving fast enables us to build more things and learn faster. We have a saying: “Move fast and break things.” The idea is that if you never break anything, you’re probably not moving fast enough… Most companies mess up by moving too slowly and trying to be too precise. When you are moving quickly or doing anything like this, you want to make mistakes evenly on both sides. We wanted to set up a culture so that we were equally messing up by moving too quickly and by moving too slowly some of the time. So that way, we’d know that we were in the middle.”

Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)

A pretty self explanatory way of thinking (and a pretty different way of thinking, too)! Play around with your marketing. Making mistakes is all a part of the game, until you find out what works best for you and your business!


“Business opportunities are like buses; there is always another one coming.”

Richard Branson (Virgin Group)

Richard Branson is what you could call a pretty bloody successful business man. He has more than 400 companies under his wings, with an extremely diverse business portolio! So, keep your business portfolios as diverse as possible, and always be on the lookout for new opportunities! Marketing is very similar. It is always changing, so you need to keep your finger on the pulse and keep up with the trends! Don’t fall behind and miss out on good marketing opportunities!


“Business success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics.”

Tony Robbins (Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist and Life Coach)

Tony Robbins is possibly the best business and life strategist out there. In fact, he is quite remarkable, and his success has been nothing short of that. He is an expert in organizational turnaround, psychology of leadership, and the art of negotiations. He believes that in order to succeed, you must be clear about your strengths, weaknesses, goals and strategies! Marketing is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics, also! It is all about connecting successfully with your customers and inspiring them to BUY!

​We hope that 2019 brings you lots of success and some very successful marketing, and that this article helps in some way!



Photo by Jon Tyson



Written By: Claudia

How To Write The Perfect Subject Line



How I wrote the perfect subject line

3 ways to write the perfect subject line

How to write the perfect subject line

Today, a client was asking for advice with their email subject lines and whilst I was writing the email I figured I would share it to a larger audience.

And I should be honest, I lied, there is no perfect subject line although the above is pretty damn good, if I do say so myself 😊 *pats self on back*


A good subject line will be compelling, descriptive and creative. That’s a tall task for a few words (If you want a masterclass in how to write a great story in 6 words click here)

The one thing you should never do is be misleading; it will annoy the reader and make sure your follow up email does not get read.


Depending on your audience, things can change dramatically if it’s someone you know well they are going to open it anyway – half the time my friends might not even bother with a subject line or the even more interesting “Fw: “. But in general, when wanting to write a good opening line it’s to someone you want to impress either in business or personally and it might be a large group or an individual.


You want people interested in what is inside the email. It’s oft told that there are only a few stories in the world and they are just told differently so goes the email subject line. It’s all roughly the same just with a different emphasis here are some tried and true methods

You can ask a question
• Do you know how to write a great subject line?
• Can you write a great subject line without even trying?
• Are your subjects subpar?

You can impart knowledge
• Learn 6 ways to write a great subject
or you can tweak it and make it a personal story
• How I wrote the perfect subject line
• Why did they not reply

Urgency or FOMO or Jealousy
Play on peoples egos or insecurities
• Don’t waste another email
• Hurry – Last chance to learn how to write the perfect subject (ok so they don’t all work for all situations)

People love an offer. “X% off” or combine it with urgency FOR “25% off sneakers for another 12 hours.”
• SAVE time when writing your emails (ok cheating but if you aren’t selling)

Make it Personal
Never be afraid to drop in a name if it makes sense to do so
• Stephanie, Learn why your emails aren’t getting opened

Mix it up!
And don’t always start the subject with Brand X’s [weekly newsletter] consistency isn’t bad but it can get boring and wastes valuable real estate.

AND you can be cheeky
Is the subject line the new pickup line?


Instincts can get the best of us and when we see certain buzzwords our interest is piqued the good people at CoSchedule has given us, not one but two, great lists. Words that will get your emails opened and words that won’t DON’T MIX THEM UP!!!!

All these tips should see you in good stead to write popular, thought provoking, click generating headlines, subject lines, text messages…




Written By: Rob

When Can I Stop Marketing?




A friend asked me the other day “When can we stop marketing?”

I smiled and suggested that the answer may be never but it could also be right away (it should be noted that she works for a company that we are not contracted with so I do not have any skin in the game). “Why do you want to stop?” I asked.

Then she rambled some reasons off but the gist of it was

Our ads are just adding to the maelstrom of crap out there – I don’t want to annoy people…  people unsubscribed from our mailing list plus no one is engaging with our Facebook page.

Basically, it sounded like a marketing existential crisis.

To Stop Or Not To Stop

You might have been surprised earlier when I said you could stop marketing right away but it wouldn’t be the right thing to do – it would mainly be a reason to pivot. There are two reasons why you could stop marketing:

  • Your marketing is genuinely losing you money – in which case, I would say you need to change your strategy rather than stop.
  • You feel so loathsome and part of a corporate machine adding to the crap that it’s affecting your life – in which case I would say you need to relax a little and then frame it differently in your mind. We don’t have to call it “marketing” or “advertising” we can call it communication or connecting or outreach. And I would also change my strategy because if you feel loathsome – you probably don’t have enthusiasm for your brand and the communications you are putting out into the world and if you don’t – why should/would your current and potential customers?

The main reason why you shouldn’t stop marketing is that you have a product or service that needs to be sold. Depending on the size of your business – you may say that word of mouth has treated you ok so far, well, at it’s very essence all marketing is word of mouth even if it’s organic. You starting a business and telling your friends and family that is in essence marketing. Them telling their friends – that’s marketing, and you don’t feel disgusting about that now, do you? So why should you when you are connecting with people via a different platform be it traditional media or any of the new platforms that we have access to nowadays..

So if you see an unsubscribe don’t feel bad assume that that person was not the best fit for your company not that everyone that gets your messages is perturbed by your very existence. If on the hand no one ever opens your emails then it might be the time to rethink your content. One client recently was scared after many unsubscribes in one email but it was the first email after these people had been added to their list after entering a competition which can be expected after all we use entry guidelines like subscribe to win but inevitably some people will unsubscribe once the competition has finished.

Another way to make you not want to feel like giving up on marketing is embracing your customer find out what works – sift through the analytics; use AI; a simple chat bot can prequalify your customers but also gain valuable insight into what your customers are expecting from you, your website or a given page.

Will they buy the cow if they are getting the milk for free?

Another customer was scared about giving too many tips away for free – I say give more and give it better because:

  • you have more knowledge than your readers
  • you will never not be better than them at your job and
  • they will never have the time to do what you do because they already have a role

At the end of the day the only reason we think you should ever stop marketing is when you close your doors.

If connecting with your customers is getting too hard or feels likes its not working . Don’t give up! The value good marketing brings is invaluable! Be patient, be persistent, create content that is true to your brand, offer value, embrace your customer and make it easy for them to get what they want.



Photo by NeONBRAND
Photo by rawpixel
Photo by Mihail Macri



Written By: Rob

Check Your Facts, People

Research for Digital Marketing content



We love a good statistic, all of us. Period. We, marketers, that is, use stats to demonstrate value.  One great stat that I love is:



Doesn’t really sound like a stat… here… how bout this… “Renown essayist says that 50% of what is seen should not be trusted”We like well researched and enjoyable content to read so it’s important to get your facts straight when creating content for your readers. When we create content we always double check our facts and make sure they come from reputable sources and are pertinent to the message that is being conveyed. If it’s not you will lose your readers… quickly.

Part of the reason I am writing this is because of a post I was reading the other week – it was an article called “28 Powerful Facebook Stats Your Brand Can’t Ignore in 2018” today and many of the stats were eye opening to say the least.

Many of these listicles (articles that are written as lists) and stat driven posts pop their heads up year round but especially at the sta(r)t of the year (so get ready for the 2019 articles to appear).

Fake news has been one of the hot topics of the year, and many think it’s insidious and it is but it can also just be good old fashioned negligence at fault.

You might find a great stat from a reputable site and think awesome have I got a topic to attach this too without really reviewing it especially if the stat while true came from a study that was ill conceived.

So back to the article, one of the stats reads “40% of Facebook Users Have Never Liked a Facebook Page” I read that and thought wow – there must be so many fake accounts but the opposite of click farms – why would there be that many? And would Facebook own up to a stat like that? Hell No

So I found the study it was based on (NB I’m not shaming the company they do have some good research on the site but the quality control person clearly took the day off in this case) and noticed that the sample size was 300 Americans over the age of 18. Not only was the sample size fairly small but the question was misleading and the inference taken by the article writer even more so. The question read “how many brands they tend to Like on Facebook” 0, 1-10, 10-20. They tend to like? What obscure language for a hard hitting stat with a headline 40% of Facebook users have never liked a Facebook page.

And then I looked a little deeper and noticed this illustrious study that it had to be included in an article about stats that my brand couldn’t ignore in 2018 was conducted 4 years ago (or 28 in dogs years and a millennium in internet years).

I went back to the post – That headline again 28… powerful… stats… can’t ignore… 2018? This is a picture perfect clickbait headline (hence why I was reading in the first place).

I scrolled down the page and noticed that it was posted in Feb 2018 but the comments below are time stamped over three years old so this is an old article that was updated and repurposed for 2018 (editor’s note: In SEO speak it’s a good practice to update blog posts from time to time to keep the information relevant and to keep the link authority tied to the updated post rather than creating a new one. It’s also best practice to mention that it is an updated article, which in this case it is not).

There were a number of other mistakes in the post, like a fact that said “Facebook Has More Than 2 Billion Daily Active Users” and then only to contradict itself a line later to 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook.

Don’t worry rant is almost

So, in summing up, if you are planning on going down the content marketing path there are many rules to follow but please make check your facts your readers will be thankful. If you need help on how you can embark on a comprehensive content marketing strategy drop us a line.

Also there is rarely a time you can’t find a relevant Simpsons quote…

Homer take it away


Photo by João Silas on Unsplash



Written By: Rob

Countdown: Top Resolutions for EVERYONE but mainly marketers



Countdown: Top Resolutions for EVERYONE but mainly marketers

We flipped the good old new year’s resolution on its head and are counting down the most popular ones with a slant for the marketer.

8 – “I’m going to read more”

All of us want to knock off those books on our list, but we should also be reading more on the internet, and by that, I mean reviewing your pipeline and your statistics, spending a bit of time each week to know exactly where you stand. When you are across the ins and outs fine tuning will be a breeze.

7 – “I’ve always wanted to learn a language”

The universal language of love? Nope, I am talking the universal language of the code. Learning a coding language can be a lot simpler than one would think and even if you aren’t going to use it day-to-day it helps to be self-sufficient if you need to roll up your sleeves and do some maintenance PLUS it gives you a better appreciation and understanding of how one of your most vital business systems work.

6 – “Make New Friends”

Some of us wake up one day and realise that we don’t have many close friends, perhaps after struggling to find a ripper party to go to on NYE. Building your social following or email lists can be similar – you may have once had a thriving social media life but people move on get married, unsubscribe, have kids, unfollow you. You have to continually top up your streams with new friends that want to spend time with you.

5 – “Spend more time with family and friends”

On the flipside, nothing is better than rekindling a friendship that you hold dear so before you lose your friends engage them – keeping your followers interested in what you are doing is only half the battle, don’t foget to be interested in what they are doing, who they hang out with and where they do it.

4 – “I’m going to get more sleep”

Having a regular routine is key to getting sleep; just as having a routine like a calendar for creating content and reviewing your campaigns can keep the momentum going and not find yourself running out of time for one of the most important facets of your sleep business.

3 – “Take a break”

We often get preoccupied with work and lose focus on what’s important: our lives outside of the office which is why it’s so important to take on only what you can handle and delegate responsibilities for those that could be better handles by others.

2 – “Eat Healthy, Get Fit”

Leading on from taking a break is turning yourself into a lean mean marketing machine. If you are feeding your site with all the healthy hygiene and spend time getting massive gains from your hero content that will deliver engagement and awareness of your brand.

1 – “This is the year I will get organised”

You know you have been putting it off and doing things the hard way for too long, but this is the time to do it, clean out those drawers of unwanted items and get to organising and having everything in place. That means segmenting your DBs, making sure your followers are still engaged run a reengagement campaign. Oh, and wouldn’t it be great if once everything is organised you take a break, get some sleep, spend time with friends, new and old, and all those other things? That’s right part of organising is getting that CRM perfect and using your marketing automation platform that you set up but never really put the finishing touches on.




Written By: Rob

How To Survive The Silly Season And Keep Your Social Channels Thriving



Managing your business’s social media over the holidays, while also trying to enjoy the silly season!

If you are in charge of social media for your brand, you will probably be feeling a little envious of your colleagues who can totally switch off and forget about all of their work responsibilities for a couple of weeks! Unfortunately, as we all know, social media doesn’t sleep – not even for Santa! In fact, this is the time when people tend to be on social media the MOST – people do love scrolling their feeds on the couch after a big Christmas lunch, and on New Year’s day after a late (maybe a wild?) night after all…

So, what does that mean for you, when you are craving a bit of a break and some fun also and aren’t totally sure when you will have time to keep up with your posting?

Luckily, we have a few tips that can make your job a little easier over the next couple of weeks… so keep reading!

Planning ahead is key. It might be annoying now when you already have so much to wrap up for the year, but you will thank yourself later! How often are you going to post over your break? Whether you post everyday or just twice a week, you should probably keep this up.  Consistency is important! What are you going to post, and when?

There are a couple of ways that you can go about managing your Instagram when you are busy celebrating! If you pay for an Instagram scheduling app, this can be an easy and low maintenance way to go. And scheduling your posts on Facebook is also an excellent idea. But if being shadow banned or having lower reach and engagement as a result of using a scheduling app concerns you, or you just don’t want to pay for a scheduling app, then we have a pretty great alternative!

I always make sure that I have all of the images and graphics that I will be needing for social media over the break, saved in my phone in a photos folder, in the order that I want to use them. So that when I need to post, I can easily find the piece of content! I write up my captions beforehand, and store them in the notes section of my phone. You can also number these so that they match the order of the content/images that you have stored. I also make sure that I have a couple of sets of hashtags pre-prepared, so that I can easily pick a set and add to the post (remember to mix up your hashtags to avoid being shadow-banned). Easy! And feel free to add #Christmas #Holidays and #NewYears to your hashtag sets also!

In terms of replying to comments and messages on both Facebook and Instagram and monitoring your engagement, try to set aside just 15 minutes per day for this – doesn’t sound so bad, does it?! You might also want to occasionally share some funny Christmas/New Year memes or posts on an adhoc basis, too.

If you are worried you are going to forget to either post or check up on your social media community, just set some alarms or reminders on your phone – easy! Most of us have our phones glued to our hands anyway, and if you have everything pre-prepared a post should only take a couple of minutes!

Good luck – we hope you feel a little more confident and prepared to tackle the social media world over the holiday season now!

And of course, Happy Christmas and New Year!

Up next: Dive into 2019 with a splash!




Written By: Claudia

Marketing: Persevere, Persevere, Persevere

Persevering in marketing is a lot like persevering to reach a goal


Marketing: Persevere, Persevere, Persevere

My father once told me “When times get tough, persevere”.

Anecdotally, after having met so many businesses over the years, there are two key numbers that I hear over and over: 11 and 13. These are the years it takes many businesses to find the success many dream of when they first start a business.

Both numbers are fairly big and if your business is just starting out reading that may seem frightening…

But I may have a short cut.


I was in a networking event just this week where this fella said to me “advertising – just doesn’t work. The only way to build your business is word of mouth.” Now, be it driving down the freeway passing billboard after billboard, listening to the radio, watching the TV or looking at the amount of content being produced online I think there is a weight of evidence that may suggest otherwise.

Word of mouth is a beautiful acoustic performance and let’s be honest there are few things better than being in an intimate room with an artist and hearing them play just for you, but it can be equally thrilling listening to your favorited artist belt out the same tune with 100,000 people singing along around you in a stadium.

But to sing to 100,000 you need to amplify the singers voice and this, for me, is a key to growing your business quickly… amplifying your marketing efforts.

That amplification can be scary be it as a singer or as a business takes commitment

  1. Because you need to invest infrastructure to achieve it and,
  2. Because you need to be able to back up your promise of a great show or else you are going to seriously damage your brand…

I think a big part of the reason that many businesses are afraid of implementing marketing initiatives is because they are genuinely afraid of growing. Afraid of the commitment it takes…

So, if you are not afraid read on.

Like business itself, I believe, like my father did, that marketing is about perseverance.

Perseverance in Marketing

How does this apply to marketing?

The big bad world of marketing is massive and the options endless; so how can any business know what is going to work for them and what business can possibly afford to do, or try, them all?

And even if you could, where you find success may ultimately surprise you….

Unfortunately, marketing isn’t an absolute science, moreover one of the greatest challenges of business is differentiation and much like your USP (and you should have one (Have a read about USP’s here) your marketing needs to set you apart from your key competitors. The look, feel, messaging and channels you use may be guided by your competition (note: research is key to standing out) but may take time to make work.

Time…that old chestnut. Yes, great marketing takes time – marketing is a marathon not a sprint and you should prepare for accordingly.

Here are some things to consider

  • Have a genuine goal
  • Have a plan
  • Some will recommend 90 days but we would suggest 180 day to trial and evolve a marketing initiative before abandoning it. Not 2 weeks!!!
  • During that time test and tweak it
  • Understand what the purpose of your marketing is there to achieve. There is a huge difference between marketing for sales vs marketing for brand awareness, so be clear about what it is you are aiming for before you begin.
  • Invest in quality execution. If you can’t do it well, don’t do it at all.

Marketing success won’t happen overnight. The companies that do it best are those that are willing to roll up their sleeves, get a bit dirty, do the work and stick with it.

A creative director I used to work with many years ago, Paul, once said to me “Ideas a worthless, what makes a great idea is how you execute it” and most businesses abandon them for the next bright object instead of sticking with their plan. Which is one of the greatest challenges we face as an agency, we build plans for businesses and a timeline with which to permeate it, only to have the client change their objectives or be concerned they are not seeing results one or two months in.

Yes, you can always change something if it doesn’t work. But, before you do, make sure you didn’t just abandon great ideas or great plans because the results weren’t instant or because it was more fun to try something new.

Marketing in some ways can be like going to the gym and working with an agency like working with a personal trainer…It is going to be hard. The trainer is going to build you a plan and going to push you to stick to it.


Your muscles will be sore, your diet may be restricted and for a while it may feel like you are getting nowhere, but stick with it and you will come out of it looking and feeling better than ever.



Be patient

Be involved

Be consistent and

Be persistent…


And both your business and your marketing will flourish. And if you need some help, just ask we’re always here.




Photo by Ian Chen on Unsplash



Written By: Rob

Differentiating yourself in a crowded marketplace: A comparison

Unique Selling Proposition Real World Example


Differentiating yourself in a crowded marketplace Breakdown

When I was musing about Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) the other day I thought it would be interesting to give a real-world example. It just so happens that the next ad I saw was for QuickBooks and my decision was made.

Can you tell me the difference between Quickbooks, Xero and MYOB?

I can’t… I am not an accountant and all but basic accounts receivable and payable is lost on me.

What I can tell you is how I view the three brands


By the way, this was the ad:



The ad in question, plays very much to a small business owner – it is accounting software that makes your life easier, especially the incomparably annoying job of chasing accounts in arrears.


Although Xero has been around for a while in internet years it seems like the easy yet technologically advanced choice.


MYOB is an interesting case it has both a positive and a negative from the one factor: its age; they have years of proven experience and many happy customers in Australia but like pc vs mac they may have a little image problem of being a dinosaur.



But that’s just my viewpoint, let’s have a look at how they portray themselves online.

Upon landing on QuickBooks you can notice a few things

  • Small business: they refer to their customers as the hardest workers shameless pandering but also how small business view themselves (and rightly so) and their navigation includes small business, self employed and then accountants/bookkeepers – also there is a hardworking small business owner in the hero image looking at her phone after working on pottery.
  • customer service: voted #1 plus you have multiple options of using that customer service via the side buttons; live chat and customer service number in the navigation.
  • Technology: you also have a video that is in the shape of a mobile (smaller image next to it denotes it works across all platforms) with a the User Experience (UX) of their app they know a lot their small business owners are on the go and want access to a simple to use platform from their mobile.
  • Last but not least; you will see the word Your books, made easy


Xero’s current home screen has:

  1. Social proof: a million subscribers; an image of a few happy customers from different industry but all pretty trendy looking; and Canstar winners 4 years running.
  2. Tech savvy: the branding itself is very sleek; tagline is better business; and they have Features & Tools as their first nav choice after which they have Why Xero plus words like advisor, resources and partners are all speaking to its technological prowress.
  3. Local: I thought Xero was trying to sound approachable mentioning AUS and NZ as well as YOU BEAUTY but something I did not know was that it was founded in NZ and is listed on the ASX. So there you go.

And lastly MYOB:

  1. Design/technology: whether or not my assumption was right about MYOB being considered a dinosaur in the accounting software space – they are definitely rallying against it via new branding (it was updated less than 2 years ago), a young trendy person who has her finances sorted on a phone
  2. No nonsense, easy copy: DONE… Set your business up for success… actually lets you run a business.
  3. Social Proof: also like Xero over a million users but they don’t need to include NZ in their drawing pool.
  4. Big & oozing with legacy: A breakout mentions version 19. The copy asserts that their software scales with you and the navigation separates you into small, bigger and accountants/partners.


So, you might think my prognostications were to pat myself on the back if they turned out to be right but it was quite the opposite – my intent was to suggest that each of these companies do a great job of keeping their messaging consistent; that we almost instinctively know what we are getting from them even if we know little of them. The differences might appear small (to anyone who doesn’t spend hours appraising the UX of different websites weekly) but they are there.


On a side note, if you did focus on UX (and websites in general) every day you would notice other little things.

  • Like the banner for all three has copy on the left and image on the right
  • Another common best practice for Software-as-a-service companies is to offer a free trial.
  • The fact that the call-to-action buttons are all green the universal symbol for go even though QuickBooks is the only one that uses green in their branding colour scheme. Don’t feel like you must use green, it’s not 100% fool proof, some use red as it suggests urgency or special but at the end of the day our mantra is test early and test often.
  • And you will notice that the word “you/your” appears at least once on each of them – Remember, you are always talking to your customers on your website – be friendly!


But I digress, back to differentiating yourselves… if the website has passed the 5 second test and attention is piqued a user may scroll below the fold where usually they will see more important selling points of a product.









QuickBooks focusses on you: save time, claim dollars and mentions (again) their award-winning support.


It should be note Xero has a customer video stories breakout before the list of features when scrolling down the page. Xero decided to have a few more bites at the cherry – showcasing 9 features that will change your life. The focus here is on the variety and technological strength of the application with over 700+ third party apps.


And MYOB goes for the national pride theme for Aussies by Aussies and speak to a human but not just any human an Australian human. And you can do it wherever you want.


Each brand has its differences and similarities but they have all carved out a niche for themselves by appealing to different consumers. So even if you think your offering is the same there will be a way to showcase why you are the right business to solve their need.





Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash



Written By: Rob

Should you switch your Instagram account to a business profile from a personal one?

Decisions Decisions Instagram personal or business


Should you switch your Instagram account to a
business profile from a personal one?

You have probably wondered about this before, if you haven’t already made the switch. There are definitely lots of pros to having a business Instagram account, rather than a personal one. Keep reading to find out if switching to a business account will be beneficial for you!


Would Instagram analytics be useful to you – real time metrics?

Being able to (very easily) analyse your Instagram audience, your engagement and your account discovery can be very helpful.

With a business profile, you can see:

– How many people are viewing your profile per week.

– How many individual accounts you are reaching per week.

– The total number of times that your posts have been seen.

– How many people have saved your posts.

– Who your Instagram audience is – their location, age range and gender.

– What days and hours are best for you to post!

You can then leverage all of this valuable information to optimise your content and your overall Instagram performance.


Would you like to promote your posts?

If you have a media budget (big or small, it doesn’t matter!) then having a business profile would definitely be of interest to you. Even just spending a couple of dollars a day for a few days during a big online sale can have a huge impact, and dramatically increase your reach.


Would you like to be able to clearly display your website link and your contact options?

When switching over to a business profile, you are able to decide which of your contact information you would like to display – phone number, address, email and/or your website address. Of course this is beneficial to almost any business! You can still add your phone number or website address to your Instagram bio on your personal account, however this takes up character space (only 150 characters allowed) that you may want to use for something else, e.g. some information about your brand or a tagline. Also, on a business profile, the contact options will come up as contact buttons e.g. “Call” or “Email”, which keeps things clean and tidy, and very accessible for the user!

So, lots to think about here! Hopefully we have helped give you some more insights into the benefits of switching your Instagram account over to a business profile, so you can make a clearer and more informed decision!

Happy Instagramming!




Written By: Claudia

Marketing First Principles – USP – Unique Selling Proposition

How to define my USP Unique Selling Propositions


Marketing First Principles – USP – Unique Selling Proposition

Whether you are a start-up or an established business you will find yourself wanting to differentiate yourself from your competitors – enter the Unique Selling Proposition or USP an easy way for us marketers to discuss what makes you different and more importantly what makes you and your offering better or more appealing than your competitors.

I include established businesses, along with start-ups, as you would be surprised how often a business might not have one, might not realise they have one or have forgotten their roots over time (an always on principle is important).

1 – How to define your unique selling proposition?

If you are a start-up and you created your business because you saw a niche in the market than it’s obvious your USP is your niche, good for you – you’ve already completed steps 1 & 2, skip to part 3. Point in fact, a new client recently started up a mobile coffee business in an area that doesn’t have one – USP solved Coffee Brought To You.

You could be in an industry with what may seem as fairly rigid terms of service. Example: I am an accountant – I do your books (speaking of accounting, learn about how accounting software platforms differentiate themselves in the Australian market HERE) it doesn’t feel like there is much room to separate yourselves from the other accountants out there.


There is always a way

A good place to start is by asking yourself what’s most important to you and your business:

Best in market/Premium


24/7 availability



In-person consultation

Customer service

2 – Research

Learn what your competitors are doing.

If you said value than you might want to find the other’s prices and beat them – (but we would more likely recommend adding value because simply lowering prices can become a race to the bottom).

If on the other hand, you may have said premium make sure you only stock the best products.

Not only do you learn from your competitors learn from your customers. Ask them – why do they keep coming back and then use that as inspiration.

3 – Solidify

Now that you have an idea write a paragraph explaining it or write 3 key things about your USP.

Just get it out of brain and onto the page.

Now that you have done that reduce and repeat. You may even find that you can get it down to a tag line.

Some examples of taglines that are USPs in their own right

The burgers are better at Hungry Jacks – simple effective no social proof needed they are just stating the fact.

9 out of 10 dentists agree… – this is a poof that people in the know suggest it.

Open happiness – Holy Coca Cola Batman… this is abstract but it is unique

One of our favourites however has to be finger lickin’ good.

Speaking of KFC and Coca-Cola another USP for both of them is secret and you can’t get it any where other than their product. The Coca-Cola recipe is a well-known secret… umm is that an oxymoron? you know what I mean… it’s well-known that it is a secret. And KFC has the mysterious 11 secret herbs and spices.

4 – Promote your USP

This can be considered part of your general marketing activities but remind people constantly what makes you great. Be it in person, at your storefront, on your promotional materials; in your edms and naturally on your digital home the website.

Following these steps will add value to your business and will also solidify in yours’ and the other employees’ minds what your brand is all about.

If you or someone you know is having trouble with USP drop us a line.








Written By: Rob