A McDouble Ad Review MMOM



I am often unimpressed with McDonald’s advertising campaigns – they are too scared to do anything other than vanilla efforts that make 12 people in a focus group unoffended, and it leaves the ads without substance and ultimately unsatisfying.

In the past two days Maccas dropped a couple of ads onto our screens, and again, nothing is new both are safe efforts.

But storytelling technique can overcome a safe effort and transform it into a truly great piece of marketing – one of the ads succeeds with flying colours. Can you tell which?

It’s the baby drive thru ad.

The way in which it builds the story is masterful. In the beginning, you don’t know exactly what’s happening but you do know something out of the ordinary is happening so your curiosity is piqued, then you realise the problem, a problem that anyone with kids (or nieces and nephew, in my case) can immediately relate to, the crew member on drive thru has acknowledged the problem and now has to solve it. For the next twenty seconds, we are held captive by the solution and her earnest reaction.

It’s a great ad for the storytelling and underpinning the story is the advertisement Maccas is:
Is the place you turn to late at night
Staffed by helpful friendly people
Maccas can solve your problems

The second ad, whilst not horrible, suffers from the same old problem – it’s boring! The ad is showing off their new coffee blend – a notorious shortfall at the golden arches but there are two elements that stick out for me in this offering.
1) My cousin is in it – nice work, Andy!
2) Who knows their MickeyDees server by their first name (other than my cousin, apparently)? It’s a subtle nod by Maccas to say McCafe is a café – it’s as good as your local and you will get the same quality service and beverage – maybe not by a hairy hipster waxing lyrical about their newest green deconstructed coffee (that’s another cousin, sorry Ed).

It’s rather a nice touch but it’s too subtle to work, hence I think it falls flat (just like the coffee served).
So this week we get a masterstroke and a mistake all from the one company.




Written By: Rob

Not getting enough traffic?



We all want a constant stream of people viewing our site.


A constant stream is good but what we really want is a constant stream of high quality users, the kind that are interested in our offering and enquiring. Or better yet, converting then and there.


How do you go about building organic traffic to your website?


Let’s start with the stuff that is easy to fix.

I say easy because it’s stuff that most people can test and can go to you, or your local web development company, to fix.


Speed – I feel the need, the need for…


The speed of your website is paramount to rising up the rankings on search engines. If your site is slow, people will leave. Basically, we know that people are impatient, because if they clicked on your link from an organic search, they know that there are 4 million other results to read simply by hitting the back button. If your website is taking longer than 4 seconds (many suggest quicker, but us Aussies are a docile bunch comparatively) the user can get frustrated. Pingdom has done a great job of researching the correlation between the likelihood of a user bouncing as time goes by.


Things you can probably do in house:

  1. Optimise your images – If you have 2000px wide image in a 300px wide box you need to resize. It is just a waste and will not look any better.
  2. Redirects – If your landing page has a redirect, a browser has to execute that before it can start loading. If it then has to redirect to a mobile page such as m.domain.com (more on mobile sites later) well then it will have to execute that one as well.


Things that you might need help with are:

  1. Enable compression, optimising css, removing renderblocking JS and leveraging caching.
  2. Learn more about page speed with google here and test your speed with pingdom.


Mobile – Being mobile is the new agile

I mentioned mobile above, but it still bears repeating that if your website is not responsive yet, make it so. We know that mobile accounts for well over 50% of all searches, and search engines like to send their searchers to websites with a good experience for the operating system that is being searched on.


Good design is good

57% of people won’t recommend a business or brand with a poorly designed mobile site. Ouch! Imagine your shirt not being pressed being the reason you missed out on a new client. A bad user experience can quite easily cause lack of interest in your website. People won’t link to, and share, bad content.


Design is not just limited to the overall look of your site, it’s your individual pages as well. If you have a new page or blog entry, make sure it’s not just a mountain of text; make it easily consumable, some simple suggestions are headlines, bullet points…

hang on

  • headlines
  • bullet points (yay)
  • imagery (appropriate imagery)
  • videos
  • a readable font (size, colour and style)
  • provide a CTA and sharing options



SEO – ESOteric or essential

SEO might seem like a bit of voodoo, but there are tried and true methods that can help boost your rankings, and in turn boost your traffic. SEO will help by making it easier for the engines to crawl your website, read your images, etc. but a good strategy will also help your website offsite by making sure there are no bad inbound links and create good high quality inbound links.


Keywords: this can be considered part of your SEO strategy or your content strategy, but once you have discovered who you are writing for (ideal customer/s) and what they are searching for, you will then have a pretty clear idea of what your keywords should be. Also spend some time on how you will use these in longtail search.


Influence the influencers

Speaking of inbound links, ask your favourite industry influencers to share your content. If it’s good, they will want to share it because it looks good on them to share good work. Ask nicely and engage them with why you think your content would work for their audience. No is the worst thing they can say.


You’re still reading? I haven’t scared you off yet? Well… the above was the easy part, and the ugly truth for why you might not be getting any traffic, is that your content is bad. There I said it… it had to be said…


Content is king

The more people like your article, the more they will want to share the article and things will just snowball from there. It’s hard… it takes time… and if you are not dedicated to the process, it’s pointless. Quality over quantity always!


Practice makes perfect – you won’t hit it out of the park on your first attempt, but then again you don’t have to publish your first attempt. Or you can publish it and learn from mistakes.


Writing copy that opens your brand up to new audiences and creating copy that will turn your leads into clients, isn’t something you can do half-heartedly. It’s a skill, and like any skill, it takes dedication to learn.


So what have we learned

The easy part – making your content as accessible to your targets as possible

The hard part – making your content creative, convincing, informative, entertaining, compelling.

Photo by Cris Ovalle on Unsplash



Written By: Rob

Why Doesn’t My Mailchimp Click Equal My Google Analytics?



The above question, or variations thereof, come up often when talking with clients (and family and friends that want to bend your ear at a get together).

On a side note, I feel for the doctor oft cornered at a party with requests like, “could you just have a look at this mole?” Working in digital marketing, I am more and more finding myself answering questions from IT to Print: ‘I think I have a virus on my computer…’ to ‘how wide should my letterbox drop go?’

But enough about my dazzling social life – back to the job at hand.

Why do I have more clicks and less sessions on my analytics?

It comes down to a fairly mundane answer.

First of all, we make sure that the figures we are talking about are correct. Every once in a while you get a zero from analytics only to find out that a client’s landing page didn’t have the Google Analytics (GA) tracking code on it.

Then, if we are indeed trying to compare apples to apples, it’s usually due to a combination of factors.

But the main contributors are:

  • Click and close: A user may click on the link and then close the page before the page has loaded, which means the GA tracking code didn’t have a chance to register a hit on Analytics. This can happen because the user accidentally clicked the link, your server is slow, they have slow internet and gave up, or they just simply changed their minds. Also, it’s a good idea to have your GA code near the top of your page so it can load quickly and thus track that click… even if it is a bounce.
  • Multiple clicks: A user may click the link multiple times in succession. Like with ad servers, your mail distributor will track all the clicks instantly but GA will only record a session every 30 minutes. So, if a user went to read an article on their computer, changed to another page and then went back to the email to click on the link again to finish reading the article, Mailchimp will have registered two clicks and Google only one.
  • Road blocks: Many people wittingly or unwittingly might be throttling your analytics via use of a browser setting like switching off javascript (js) or having a technology or add-on for their browser that actively blocks GA.

So unfortunately, like with many systems, it’s not perfect, and your numbers will not often marry up 100%. But there should be some consistent differences which will let you extrapolate findings to see what’s working and what isn’t in your emails or other marketing endeavours.




Written By: Rob

My Week With Drip


My Week With Drip

Automation Software Review

Drip is one of the many marketing automation platforms out there. I had heard good things so I decided to give it a go and see if the rumours were true.


Initial impressions

Signing up and setting up the account was a breeze, although many in this day and age hate giving away a credit card in the free trial period. I continued.

Choosing an automation platform is a daunting challenge for most people. With so many options, it’s hard to know which one is right for you. Even though you may think when setting up the account, it’s easy optimising it for your company, it’s not. It takes hours, and honestly, if you are time poor you might make excuses not to do it…

But the time poor are the exact ones who should be making the effort. If you can carve out some time to start thinking about your marketing other than a second thought you might realise how, with a little gumption, you can save yourself loads of time in the long run.

Imagine being able to sort the tire kickers from the genuine leads without doing anything.

Oops went on a tangent about martech in general, back to Drip.

It has all the expected options.



Campaigns (with A/B testing options) for all your EDMs.

Broadcasts – one off emails (bonus resend if unopened after a certain amount of days).

Subscribers – upload your database here and new additions nestle nicely into your predefined terms.

Forms – Get information about your users, get more subscribers.

Automation – Broken into Workflows and Rules.

Analytics – Bird’s-eye view and campaign level metrics.


Using it

So, the tools are simple and the design is intuitive, but if you feel out of your depth there are instructional videos for practically everything.


This is where the time churn comes in – setting up all your automations with your new powers.

You want to get your campaigns just right so it will take some time. But you can also set up some very basic flows to get you started or use Drip’s library of templates. There might be a little customisation on your end to make it perfect for your needs, but most of the job is already done for you.


You will have to have a look through to see if it will work seamlessly with your current systems (or work well enough to jettison some). But overall it has a solid amount of integrations for a beginner (e.g. FB lead ads, SumoMe, Eventbrite and Instapage) and will actually help push you in the right direction for other services you might not be using yet.



It is priced fairly compared to competitors in the same space. A bonus is the free starting point for a complete beginner (less than 100 subscribers), but if you are dedicated to using your flows and putting your best foot forward in your other marketing endeavours, you won’t be <100 for long.


Drip is a solid automation tool with a good amount of customisation and, whilst not enterprise level, it does a great job of providing you the tools any SME would need, much like Wishpond, and has many offerings alongside the bigger players like Marketo and Hubspot.

Did you like this review? Let me know if you would like more reviews on automation software? Would you like more detailed information in a review or was this just about right? Hit us up on info@remembercreative.com




Written By: Rob

Capturing The Creative Moment



Many elements of marketing are paint by numbers (not Microsoft Paint* thank goodness)

We will tweak and explore ideas along the same theme when it comes to targeting for an AdWords campaign, for example.

But the exciting part of our job is being creative (it’s in our name, duh!) We love that feeling when a client sees their new branding, campaign concept or image. Sometimes the creative can be encapsulated in a quick gif even if it took a long time to plan.

Getting that perfect headshot

One of our clients Lisa McGuigan Wines has another perfect example of ‘capturing the moment’ as her hero image on the website we built last year.

We explore creativity, and our Creative Director’s thoughts on the subject can be found in the latest 5 Minutes with Menz installment. Sometimes creativity can be stepping away from a project and allowing that “Eureka!” in the bathtub moment.

Whether it’s a difficult brief or circumventing a problematic circumstance like potential customers not being able to touch the product, it can be tough trying to capture lightning in a bottle. But when it’s done right, well, that’s why we do the job.

If you need help finding the ingredients of the secret sauce, drop us a line.

*To be totally fair, and even though Microsoft aren’t openly supporting MS Paint anymore, some people can use MS Paint with aplomb … like those people that know how to use an etch-a-sketch. Nobody likes these people anyway, stupid showoffs.




Written By: Rob

Google Chrome Blocking More Ads… Of The Bad Kind


Google Chrome Blocking More Ads… Of The Bad Kind

Little over a week ago Google implemented a change that blocks certain types of ads on their browser Chrome.

Google Chrome had this to say in their announcement: “To determine which ads not to show, we’re relying on the Better Ads Standards from the Coalition for Better Ads, an industry group dedicated to improving the experience of the ads we see on the web.”

They aren’t trying to stop ads entirely, why would they? That is where they make their money … almost $100 billion last year alone from online advertising. A cynic would assume that they are aiming at blocking others ads, but not one resulting from AdWords – the cynic would be wrong. Google openly admits that this update will even affect some ads that are on their network.

Ads that Betterads.org suggest lead to a poor user experience are broken into two categories, desktop and mobile:


Like most of us, I am a voracious consumer of content on the web and this update makes me happy for obvious reasons, but my allegiances are torn as a digital marketer and as an egalitarian.

Firstly, although Google are making the change, it’s at the behest of a consortium that has our best interests and UX at its heart, but should they choose what ads I see on a website that is owned by someone else? Shouldn’t the site’s owner get the call – if they see bounce rates skyrocket because users hate the UX of a site, then they can choose to change.

If said website owner has the best content, then why not have a prestitial ad with countdown. I’m on Forbes.com often and it doesn’t bother me one bit if I am going to take ten minutes to read an article and have to wait the first five seconds watching an ad. On the other hand, if I am wanting to watch a 30 second YouTube clip (owned by Google) why would I want to watch a five second pre-roll before I can skip?

And the other part of me thinks, rather than focusing on better ad experiences, why not focus on better ads. Geico’s pre-roll ad from a couple of years back was a gem.


The creativity is brilliant and made users wait until the end, even though the ad was practically finished in 5 seconds.

So the consumer and marketer in me is happy for less annoying ad experiences, but craves more creativity. It takes time to craft and create ads that appeal to the shortest of attention spans … see below.

If you need help grabbing attention – Hit us up




Written By: Rob

Spotting Digital Rips – Always Be Testing The Waters


Sink or Swim – Spotting Digital Rips

It’s slowly getting colder and there aren’t many beach days left for me before winter is in full swing. I was dreading this on Sunday when I was unseasonably baking on the sand at the beach. I was snapped out of my contemplation as I saw a surf life saver tearing out on his surfski to help someone, hand in the air, who had gotten themselves in a rip.

It’s scary being caught in a rip. A lot of us in Australia have grown up less than an hour from the beach – so we should know what to do. But if you haven’t spotted it until you’re in it, the fear can cloud your judgement and as Marcellus Wallace will tell you, pride can get in the way of raising your arm and asking for the help of the boys and girls in red and yellow.

On my way into work today, I was taking stock of my weekend and getting into work mode. I started seeing a direct correlation between the swimmer and a client that had recently engaged us.

The swimmer hadn’t spotted the rip before he went in, but he had the presence of mind to stick up his hand and ask for help. By the time he got into shore, you could tell he was still buggered so perhaps he fought the rip a bit longer than he needed to, before raising the alarm.

Similarly, the aforementioned client had jumped into a marketing campaign without proper caution and quickly found themselves in trouble. They realised that the outcome they had promised their stakeholders was not looking probable and asked around for help, not before getting a little deeper in trouble by trying to do the same thing, but with more money. The client was recommended to us by someone who had previously worked with us and we have put them on our surfski, and the early signs look good.

I don’t think the sunk cost fallacy directly relates to sinking swimmers (and digital campaigns) but it might as well. We need to constantly appraise our situation – to see if we are wasting time and energy in waters that don’t suit us, and if so, look for the calm blue ocean.

We can all get stuck in a digital rip and a thorough strategy can help, but it’s always wise to be able to spot the warning signs as early as possible. Whether it’s a low click through rate on an EDM, no conversions on your landing page, or limited brand awareness among your targets, make sure you examine what the next steps are. It might be to call for reinforcements, or pivot a little to more peaceful waters.

So, if you’re in trouble, ask for help!
If you are going to the beach – read this first.
If you are struggling with your current digital comms, or need help trying to spot a digital rip before you jump into the water, or you are just digging this thinly veiled metaphor, drop us a line – info@remembercreative.com.




Written By: Rob

Mad Men of Marketing | Episode 4


Welcome to the Mad Men of Marketing podcast

Episode Four:

On episode 4 of the Mad Men of Marketing podcast, we discuss budgets, some of the key things you should consider when budgeting for your marketing and what things can derail a budget.

Hit play and enjoy…






Written By: Rob

5 Minutes with Menzies – Episode 4


Robert: Today’s Theme is creativity.
You are a creative. You have studied design in university and are constantly learning and researching all things design and innovation – So – Are you born with it or is it something you have to work on?

Michael: I definitely believe that there is an aspect of creativity that you are born with. Imagining the unimaginable is something that not everyone can do and to be able to think of a new idea every day is not something in my experience every one can do.

But you definitely have to work on it. You have to be aware of as many things past and present so you can evolve that thinking.

RD: Do you believe anyone can be creative?

MM: Yes I believe anyone can be creative – after all creativity takes a great many forms. So, even though there are aspects of creativity that may be innate there is still room for everyone.

RD: What’s your process for being creative when you are designing?
Is it different depending on the job – UX, Design, Branding, Campaign and ideation?

MM: I am quite driven by solving problems and thinking what a proposed audience may expect to happen – remembering that their expectation may be to be amazed.

I think for me the approach to a problem is often led by a desire to lead someone to a place where there expectation is met; for a logo, that may be the feeling of connection to the brand or the services the business provides. For Campaigns, its about conveying an insight that engages a consumer and inspires them to act etc. 

RD: Like most creatives (except for those really annoying ones that lie) I am sure you get stretches without inspiration – how do you deal with “writers block” – any tricks you can share?

MM: The block you describe often comes from being over-focussed on the solution for too long. My best advice and this is why design is so much more complex than the average joe gives it credit for – and hence, why not being at your desk or just doodling or surfing the net is often the catalyst for the lightbulb moment.

RD: I know we often talk budgets about marketing but in your mind how big of a % of a campaign budget should be given to just the ideation and creativity phase? Do you think this is valued enough by clients?

MM: Well I think that is a tough one to answer because in some ways it may vary depending on the scale of the project.

For instance when you have a very small budget, there is in some ways even more strategic thinking required to find solutions that maximise the inherent limitation of the budget itself.

And for big projects – well you have a huge budget, now the balance is finding how to deliver a truely impactful idea and having enough money to amplify it.

But I would say between 25 – 50%

Do clients value it? I think some do and when they do the outcomes are often preferential.

But in many cases no. And I think that’s because often what we do is so intangible or easy.

If I make a product and it sits on a shelf and it costs a thousand dollars – that is an easily understood concept.

If I am designing a logo, or a piece of graphic art and it costs a thousand dollars – what if I don’t like it or in the case of a campaign it doesn’t work? For clients its these intangible variables that often impact on the perceived value of our “product”.

Often there is personal preferences or bigger broader influences that have an impact on the viability of a solution and that can sometimes make what we do difficult to quantify?

RD: The proof is in the eating sometimes and not just looking at the cake you have to see how it does in the real world I guess.

And that’s another 5 minutes with Menzies done and dusted – if you want to discuss anything we talked about feel free to drop us a line or give us a bell.




Written By: Rob

How to market to meh-lennials


How to market to meh-lennials

Like it or lump, the screen addicted group that us oldies call millennials are getting older and their purchasing power is growing. A lot has been said about the younger generation that has grown up with the internet and how they need instant gratification like the dopamine hit they receive when they get another ‘like’. Or the want it now mentality having grown up with ‘on demand’ TV. Or never having to search the Dewey Decimal system and wait for someone to return the book they want – psh, just Google it already.

Millennials put up a lot of road blocks for marketers

They are consuming most of their media on the internet … ATL advertising has taken a huge hit1 when it comes to this.

It presents a problem for business owners when considering ways to engage with a group who would rather give up sex, than the internet2 – well, 43% of them anyway. This automatically makes one assume that you have to be on the Internet to get their attention. But how do you do that successfully?

Beware the use of ad blockers

With over 25% of Australians3 using ad blockers (and a much higher percentage among millennials) display ads are not as effective as they once were. Older people rely on face-to-face referrals more than millennials, and surprisingly a study showed that 51% of millennials prefer a review from someone they don’t know4 (perhaps because they don’t like being told what to do). And this strikes at the chord of marketing to millennials.

Make something they want – don’t make them want something. In times past, advertisers often generated a problem so that people would want something.

So what’s the secret sauce?

If we can’t use display ads and traditional methods don’t work as readily, what can we do?

Create content because millennials consume content insatiably. Distribute it to your channels, start a conversation (user generated content is more compelling)5 but also focus on native advertising and sponsored marketing via influencers, which can be your biggest ally. Basically, make the advertisement look nothing like an advertisement.

Remember they are savvy, don’t treat them like this – as this tongue-in-cheek video suggests:

1 http://www.smh.com.au/business/media-and-marketing/new-viewing-habits-have-cost-tv-networks-25-billion-so-far-20170324-gv65wh.html
2 http://www.bandt.com.au/marketing/study-43-millennials-give-sex-internet
3 http://www.thedrum.com/news/2017/06/21/one-quarter-australians-use-adblocker-says-iab-australia-research
4 http://time.com/money/2820241/10-things-millennials-wont-shell-out-for/
5 https://www.referralcandy.com/blog/marketing-millennials-user-generated-content-works-best/




Written By: Rob