Macarthur Film Studios
Macarthur Film Studios (MFS) and sister company, Stage & Screen Academy (S&S), needed a new web presence. They had been referred to Remember Creative and was quite excited at the prospect of re-imagining their home on the web.
The job wasn’t without its difficulties…
Two different companies, with different clientele, to be housed under the one domain and with a limited budget we spent a good amount of time in research and developing the look and feel so design and roll-out would be smooth sailing.
To cater for the differing clientele of S&S and MFS, each section needed to have subtle differences that separated the entities but kept the holistic view intact. A simple user journey with with professional iconography and a stylish video was chosen for the MFS side and a fun vibrant feel was needed with quick info for current clients, suitable directives for those trying to find course info and a lively video to go along with it.
A happy client = A happy life. When you enter into a contract with client you are essentially creating a partnership. Company Director (whose also a director in her own right), Sarah Foukas was very pleased with the result and we are happy to say that the partnership continues with MFS as we have consulted since the completion of the site on many other digital and design areas, and we are happy to say that MFS has also partnered with us on a few photographic and video shoots. Watch this space as the partnership grows, the story is sure to evolve.
“Remember Creative came in and were wonderful, let me know exactly what will be produced and when. They were available at any time to discuss my needs and address any worries I had. We managed to fit everything I needed into our budget. I couldn’t be happier.”
Sarah Foukas – Director, Macarthur Film Studios