
Lee Lin Chin Don’t Play That Game

Keep your friends out of the #chinbin and help us spread the word: Lee Lin’s for science! (… and we’re for Lee Lin Chin’s Asymmetrical Outfits)

Posted by CSIRO



If you did not see this charming piece by the CSIRO do yourself a favour and watch the video; afterwards head on down to the CSIRO FB page and like them. Go… do it now… I’ll wait… Done? Good!

You can thank me later – although not all posts are as funny as the video in question they are all extremely interesting with many beautiful images, intriguing case studies and cutting edge debates on the state of science.

This was posted a couple of weeks or so ago but we held back a little to show the impact it had – CSIRO has increased it’s Facebook likes by almost 50% already.

It’s proof positive that when you create engaging content people will listen, watch and read your message and stick around for more not to mention the added benefits of loyalty building, keeping you front of mind of your customers, and you build in ambassadors with a share to one’s social circle is an endorsement of your brand.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/CSIROnews

PS – The only acceptable reason for not having watched the video yet is if you are dating the cast of Home & Away, in their entirety.





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Written By: Rob